Saturday, October 27, 2012

Jason Morgan! No more Jasam... AJ Quartermaine?

I haven't blogged in a while, I've honestly been busy with school and such. But I have been keeping up with General Hospital. Ooh God LORDDDY YESSS I HAVEE!

So, AJ Quartermaine is back and Jason is gone. He obviously isn't going to be dead because I think the writers wouldn't be stupid enough to kill him off because he's a huge character and what if Steve Burton wants to come back?

Hopefully, if the whole world has it's way, then he will be back, eventually. For now we're just left with a whole array of questions.

Just like everything else in my life, I changed my mind at the last second about Jasam (Sam and Jason). The acting for the last scenes with Sam, Jason and baby Daniel as a family was phenomenal! I wanted them to be together forever and ever (as long as a Soap Opera would allow of course). I really have been rooting for Jasam ever since Jason started to mourn the baby and love the baby, and before McBain came along I was still rooting for Jasam. But I guess since Jason won't be in the picture, I'd rather have my McBam then a lonely Sam and Daniel.

Why is AJ back?

Didn't he die? I mean c'mon i know people in soaps don't really ever die but why AJ? Is he here because of Edward's upcoming death? (may John Ingle rest in peace) Does he have something to do with Duke Lavery? Did Monica know all this time that he was alive? Will he be paired up with anybody? Elizabeth? Sam? Carly?! What does this mean for Michael? Will Michael get to know his real father? Sonny wont like that...

It's funny because when you put both of the actors next to eachother (Steve Burton and Sean Kanan) they actually look like they could be brothers. And Chad Duell (Michael, AJ's real son) looks like he could be Sean's(AJ's) son. Oh the irony...

Furthermore, I'm going to miss Jason terribly. He was a huge part of General Hospital, but Steve has been there for a pretty long time. Can't blame him for exploring the other side of the mountain. Lets all give a huge applause for both Steve Burton and Jason Morgan! Hurrah!

***I do not own or am not affiliated with abc, disney, or general hospital I am simply stating my opinions and ideas and borrowing GH characters in the process***

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Molly and TJ forever!

Did anyone else hear about the new casting call for the character TJ?

Maybe the character will be more likable with a different actor than Krys Meyer, or maybe the new actor will fail to be up to par with the bar Meyer previously set. Who knows? All I know is, the TJ character has great potential. I just hope they don't make anything sexual go on with him and Molly, make them attend another kegger, or turn him into another abusive boyfriend... I want TJ to last!

And as much as I'd like to state that I strongly opinionize the fact that I think Molly and TJ will become a super couple, I can't. Why? Because I don't think they will. The writers threw this storyline in at a pretty weird time. I mean, is it really a good time for a super couple to flourish when baby switchers are about, mental patients are loose, guns are firing and robin scorpio is back? No, not at all.

But all craziness aside, I think Molly and TJ are adorable, but just aren't supercouple material right now. They're at the Lulu and Dante stage right now. Not really super, but keepable.

P.S Does anyone know what TJ stands for?!

***I do not own or am not affiliated with abc, disney, or general hospital I am simply stating my opinions and ideas and borrowing GH characters in the process***

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Robin Scorpio!


I don't know why I felt so stupid when I found out Ewen was somewhat involved in Robin's death/disappearance. I guess I just felt like I should've known already, or figured it out.

All stupidity aside, it's good they didn't go the typical soap opera route where they hint at it, or release any spoilers at all about the storyline.(I couldn't find a single decent spoiler about the Robin's death storyline..) The element of surprise is going to be a key factor for viewers during the storyline, and things are not going to be as they seem...

I need to hear theories about Ewen's involvement in this. I think he's a long lost Cassadine and somewhat linked to Helena. I think Helena may be using him to get back at Luke and take her anger out on the Scorpio's for telling her that Ethan Lovett was really Robert Scorpio's son and not Luke's. When in reality, Ethan really is Luke Spencer and Holly Sutton's son, and NOT Robert Scorpio and Holly Sutton's son.

This theory is obviously not proven yet and doesn't have a lot of hard hitting facts, but I think it's a start. Though, I do admit, a lot doesn't make sense here.

Like, why would Helena even be involved with this? I mean, the whole 'Luke-Told-Me-A-Lie' excuse isn't worth faking a death and keeping an innocent woman who had nothing to do with this whole charade hostage. But we all know Helena isn't the most stable or sensible person in the world.

And, if Ewen was even a long lost Cassadine wouldn't he have some recognition or wouldn't a hint have been given about him being involved with Helena back when he was a therapist for that blonde 'Woman-In-White' who was supposedly a Cassadine as well?

Maybe he's involved with Cesar Faison, who was a long time enemy of Anna Devane and Robert Scorpio, or the crazy doctor from All My Children Anna was involved with during her crossover to the soap. They're are so many possibilities...

All we can do is keep watching, and hope for the best story possible, to
come. I can't wait for my favorite Supercouple to reunite. Scrubs & Co. Always and Forever!

***I do not own or am not affiliated with abc, disney, or general hospital I am simply stating my opinions and ideas and borrowing GH characters in the process***

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Johnny & Carly < Sharly!

This summer is supposed to be a summer of hot couples. Personally, that does not include Johnny and Carly...

First of all, I think Carly is just way to old for him. She has 3 kids by three different men. She's obviously already been around the block and like the truthful Todd Manning stated, she kind of has a thing for sociopaths...she needs someone different. Who might you ask? Shawn Butler! I really wanted the writers to keep a good pairing together for once. Maybe they'll put them together after Johnny and Carly? And what would Carly and Shawn be called...? Sharly?! Perfect!

Does anyone else feel that if the writers opened up Shawn's story, he would be more of a favorite? For me, I see huge potential for his character. First of all, he's black! I'm so glad they're finally making the show more... Multicultural? With editions like him, and Delores Padilla... Well let's just say it makes me want to watch the show even more. Plus, he's served his country by being the military. People all over the United States can relate to him (including me, considering my father also served our country) in whatever way, and I think that's a great potential for the show's future, and the character in general.

And with everything that Johnny is hiding from her, and GH's tendency for lies being told and secrets coming out, they aren't going to last for any longer. They were never hot anyway... Sharly forever!

***I do not own or am not affiliated with abc, disney, or general hospital I am simply stating my opinions and ideas and borrowing GH characters in the process***

Friday, July 6, 2012

Kate Howard/Connie Falconeri vs. Joe Scully Jr.

Joe Scully Jr. is obviously a douchebag, but who else thinks some of what he's saying may actually be truth?

As of now, it seems like Joe Scully Jr. is just another rapist pig, but can it be possible that Connie is hiding the fact that she came on to him? Instead of him coming on to her? I mean, it wouldn't be the first thing Connie would be hiding from Kate, considering the fact it wasn't actually Connie/Kate who shot out Anthony Zacchara's tires, with the ultimate result of killing Cole and Hope Thornhart, and that it was actually Johnny Zacchara(which actually hasn't been uncovered within the Soap Opera yet to the majority of the characters, but only to the viewers).

Perhaps I'm only doubting because I'm still in shock Kate Howard was even capable of carrying a baby... Lmao.

General Hospital is also making it completely obvious that Trey is Kate/Connie's son, but does anyone else have doubts? I mean, are they really just going to go with the story that Joe just followed Kate and found out they conceived a baby, and that ultimately they had a baby? I don't think that's typical General Hospital style. They should make it so that it's someone who currently resides in Port Charles, who we haven't found parents for quite yet. Who should that be might you ask? Damian Spinelli!

For some reason, Kate has always had this weird tolerance for Spinelli's antics. Unlike other characters like Sonny Corinthos or 'the Godfather' alias by Spinelli. We also never quite found out Spinelli's backstory in it's entirety. We know he lived with his Grandmother, but why? Maybe that was never his Grandmother at all, maybe she adopted him and told him some story that was never true. Or she found him in the dresser where Kate left him, and kept him for herself. Or maybe they're just saving his backstory for something even more magnificent.

Some sort of blood connection between Spinelli and someone else of the show would be really great. It gives him a reason to stay, and reason for the writers to never write him out completely, because personally Spinelli is one of my favorite characters and I believe sometimes the writers of General Hospital write out people completely, who have real potiential on the show (examples: Claudia Zacchara, Emily Quatermaine, Georgie Jones, and not to mention Ric Lansing, one of my old favorites)

As of right now, I don't really know what I like better. Trey as Kate's Son, Spinelli as Kate's son, someone completely different, or for all we know Kate's son might not even be alive. One thing I do know is, the curiosity is killing me.

***I do not own or am not affiliated with abc, disney, or general hospital I am simply stating my opinions and ideas and borrowing GH characters in the process***

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Futuristic GH! McBam?

Did anyone else almost pee themselves over the new General Hospital opening? Jeez, it was like a spaceship abducted me and flew me over to a world of drama filled Soap Operas! I'm loving what they're doing with the show, with the exception of it moving to the 2 o'clock time slot. Altogether by the end of that 9 second introduction I needed a new pair of pants, a new couch, and a life.

Elizabeth shut up... we all know you still want Jason...Your not helping anything by badgering Sam when she's just trying to have a drink and drown her sorrows away...

Does anyone think John McBain is just yummy? And better yet, McBam? With the way Jason has been treating Sam, it makes me want Jason to be alone, unhappy, and growing old. While Sam is with someone who will treat her correctly and leading a somewhat fulfilling life.

But what if McBam ends up as a thing? It seems a little unlikely, considering how many JaSam fans would complain, and the fact that John has a son with Natalie and they're supposed to be together. Truthfully, I currently think McBam is so much hotter than JaSam and Natalie and John ever were, and who could forget Kelly Monaco(SM) and Michael Easton's(JMB) chemistry on Port Charles as Caleb and Livvie? They were the best things on that show, even if they were vampires! Furthermore, I am now officially rooting for McBam, and please, no Liason, Jason needs to be alone for once and have some time to reconsider his life.

I heard some rumors(spoilers?) that John was going to end up drunk on the pier watching the fireworks trying to drown his sorrows after he begins to blame himself for his sister's death, and Sam was going to pop out of thin air(which always seems to happen with these two) and they were going watch the fireworks while they were both hurting(alcohol and sorrow are a good combination for any explosion) and then...mcBAM! They kiss! But there's a twist... Jason sees it, and he kisses Elizabeth!Umm, didn't something like this happen before? I believe last time this little charade happened Jake was conceived. Yuck!

You know what was the funniest thing on last friday's GH? John McBain on the plane, talking to Sam, and then Jason boards the plane, and has to sit next to him! I almost re-pee'd my pants from all the laughter. Gee, I need a life.

***I do not own or am not affiliated with abc, disney, or general hospital I am simply stating my opinions and ideas and borrowing GH characters in the process***

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kristina's return!

The new Kristina Davis-Corinthos is back and she looks like she's going to be trouble! Alright, maybe not trouble, like how they portrayed her in the past. Crushing on Jason Morgan, Hanging out at bars, her infatuation with Ethan Lovett, running away with her half-brother Michael, resenting her father Sonny, having an abusive relationship with Kieffer Bauer, causing Claudia Zacchara's miscarriage, and the list goes on! I think they are going to portray her as much more mature and not that lovesick puppy of a girl they had her acting as before.The new actress who plays Kristina(Lindsey Morgan) is BEAUTIFUL and looks of the Spanish-Italian descent. Perfect for being Sonny's daughter who is of the Cuban-Italian descent I believe? Correct me if I'm wrong. Whatever the case may be, she looks like she belongs, even though we haven't gotten the chance to see what her acting skills have to say, but I have hope that all will be well.

Sources say that Kristina is going to be Sonny's biggest problem yet. What do I think? FACT!

If you think about it, this whole Kate/Connie thing is wrapping up and either Sonny is going to leave Kate or deal with Connie and continue things with Kate. But how much more possible damage can Connie do when everyone knows about her? Of course we're assuming that Kate/Connie gets acquited of the assualt charges of Dr. Ewen Keenan. So he won't have to deal with Kate/Connie or Todd Manning considering that deal he and Todd concluded with.

There's also the hate that Starr Manning has for Sonny. Who to her is the apparent "Man who shot out Anthony Zacchara's tires and killed Cole and Hope Thornhart" Starr Manning's boyfriend and daughter. This whole charade is obviously going to end when Starr finds out that Connie did the crime(even though it was really Johnny).

And then there's John McBain. John and Sonny obviously have a history together, and that whole story is just waiting to play out. But I don't think people are going to be to interested because of how long they're drawing this out. Honestly, it's been nearly 3 months since John has made his debut on GH and the only information that viewers have gotten about this whole grudge that John has against Sonny is that Sonny apparently "killed" John's sister. Now, I didn't watch much of One Life to Live(The Soap Opera John, Starr, and Todd originated from) but were any sisters or siblings of John's ever mentioned? Was there a whole "McBain" family? Anyway, I just don't see this storyline being as big like the Kate/Connie storyline was. I also don't see John being as big of a threat to Sonny, and maybe that's because I don't believe Sonny really killed anybody. But I could be wrong, maybe they're planning this big fallout which involves this big secret that Sonny has been hiding and causes Sonny to finally go down as a mob boss. I also heard that Michael Easton (The actor who plays John McBain) isn't going to be staying that long either. Maybe that's why John keeps saying he's going to leave as soon as he finds justice for his sister.

Perhaps a little off topic, but with the addition of Kristina, wouldn't it be epic if Ric Lansing came back with a vengeance and became Sonny's biggest problem. I did always love fights between Ric and Sonny. Since they were brothers I knew neither would kill each other but they had some deep and emotional occurences. Plus, Molly needs her daddy!

Kristina probably(definetly) found out that Sonny used his connections to get her into Yale and that her mother Alexis is in on it; I don't believe Kristina's to happy about it either. If I was her and my dad could use his "connections" to get me into Yale I would not complain. I believe what's going to happen is that Kristina may become the new "Carly" in a way. I know, I know, that sounds extremely odd, and even dreadful. But it would be nice if Kristina shook things up a little between whatever is Michael and Starr's current relationship. I really don't like them together at all no matter what the relationship status is. They're both just really depressing characters and they shouldn't be togther if they're both still grieving! Even though they aren't a couple yet it seems like that's where GH is headed, and I would just really like if Kristina prevented that. Isn't that Carly's specialty? Preventing relationships, breaking up relationships, and causing problems for them?! Another potiental problem might be that Kristina could be misimformed of all the things that Sonny has been involved with lately and resent him even more for what she thinks he did. Lord knows what else she could do with a Carly streak in her! She could create problems with Molly, Sam and maybe even Jason!

Either way, there are so many possibilities for the character of Kristina. I just hope they don't make her boring because the character has so much potiential. Good luck to Lindsey Morgan for her future role as Kristina Davis-Corinthos.

****I do not own or am not affiliated with abc, disney, or general hospital I am simply stating my opinions and ideas and borrowing GH characters in the process***