Sunday, July 15, 2012

Johnny & Carly < Sharly!

This summer is supposed to be a summer of hot couples. Personally, that does not include Johnny and Carly...

First of all, I think Carly is just way to old for him. She has 3 kids by three different men. She's obviously already been around the block and like the truthful Todd Manning stated, she kind of has a thing for sociopaths...she needs someone different. Who might you ask? Shawn Butler! I really wanted the writers to keep a good pairing together for once. Maybe they'll put them together after Johnny and Carly? And what would Carly and Shawn be called...? Sharly?! Perfect!

Does anyone else feel that if the writers opened up Shawn's story, he would be more of a favorite? For me, I see huge potential for his character. First of all, he's black! I'm so glad they're finally making the show more... Multicultural? With editions like him, and Delores Padilla... Well let's just say it makes me want to watch the show even more. Plus, he's served his country by being the military. People all over the United States can relate to him (including me, considering my father also served our country) in whatever way, and I think that's a great potential for the show's future, and the character in general.

And with everything that Johnny is hiding from her, and GH's tendency for lies being told and secrets coming out, they aren't going to last for any longer. They were never hot anyway... Sharly forever!

***I do not own or am not affiliated with abc, disney, or general hospital I am simply stating my opinions and ideas and borrowing GH characters in the process***

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